Great News Today

Diposting oleh Penjelajah Dunia Maya | 03.05

Great News Today

Screenshots of BlackBerry Shield Surface

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 09:40 AM PDT

One of the services Canadian mobile phone maker Research in Motion has been long rumored to be working on was the BlackBerry Shield, some sort of a security solution for the users of BlackBerry devices, which has been recently uncovered courtesy of a series of leaked screenshots. There are still a great deal of details that are unknown about the service, but it seems that it is about to enter the testing stage in the near future, and that it might not be too long before it would be launched publicly.

The new BlackBerry Shield includes the possibility of tracking the GPS location of a certain BlackBerry smartphone, to perform wireless backups of the device, to remotely wipe it, and more features. The screenshots brought to the Internet by are meant to show not only that the service exists, but also some of its main features. Both the web and the device interface can be previewed in the leaked screenshots, it seems.

Some of the actions that would be possible when using the service include the option to make the BlackBerry device ring loudly even if it is on silent mode, a great feature when it comes to finding a lost device, that’s for sure. Moreover, one can set a message to appear on the handset’s screen, so that whoever finds it to provide help. Device lock and remote wiping are also included in the features list of the service.

Since the service also comes with wireless backup of the device, one can avoid accidentally wiping the handset clean. Users should be able to easily save contacts, calendars, memos, tasks and browser bookmarks into the cloud, while being able to access them whenever it’s necessary. Reportedly, BlackBerry Shield should be a free service for BIS customers when RIM decides to make it available publicly. Additional details on the matter should emerge as the release date approaches, so stay tuned for more.

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Great News Today

Diposting oleh Penjelajah Dunia Maya | 03.20

Great News Today

IE9 Platform Preview 3 HTML5 Evolution: Canvas, Video and Audio Elements Now Supported

Posted: 24 Jun 2010 08:54 AM PDT

IE9 Platform Preview 3 HTML5 Evolution: Canvas, Video and Audio Elements Now SupportedWith the third developer preview of Internet Explorer 9, Microsoft is kicking up a notch HTML5 support. The company has been dangling the promise of supporting additional aspects of HTML5 in front of developers and early adopters already testing Internet Explorer 9 for quite some time now. Well, as of Platform Preview 3 Build released on June 23rd, 2010, IE9 plays nice with canvas, video and audio elements of HTML5.

The best thing about IE9s support of < video >, < canvas > and < audio >, and one of the aspects that give the successor of Internet Explorer 8 an edge when compared with rival browsers is that all the elements mentioned above are hardware accelerated. This means that IE9 will leverage the power of the graphics cards in concert with DirectX 11 in order to deliver a performance superior to that of rival browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc.

But the best way for users to test the advances in IE9 Platform Preview 3 is to download the release, and to head over to the IE Test Center. Microsoft has published a range of HTML5 tests for early adopters to try out IE9, including for the canvas, video and audio elements.

Like all of the graphics in IE9, canvas is hardware accelerated through Windows and the GPU. Hardware accelerated canvas support in IE9 illustrates the power of native HTML5 in a browser. Weve rebuilt the browser to use the power of your whole PC to browse the web. These extensive changes to IE9 mean websites can now take advantage of all the hardware innovation in the PC industry, Dean Hachamovitch, general manager, Internet Explorer, revealed.

Try the Asteroid Belt sample and Fish Tank sample on the test drive site to see hardware accelerated Canvas in action. Together with Amazon, we built a book shelf sample showing the potential for bringing the richness of hardware accelerated canvas into an interactive e-commerce experience, he added.

Similarly, we partnered with the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) to build the Video Panorama sample to demonstrate the possibilities for bringing hardware accelerated HTML5 Video and graphics interactivity together to create new applications and experiences. Our focus is on delivering a complete, highly interoperable implementation of canvas, video, and audio that makes the most of the full power of the PC, Hachamovitch said.

It is also important for developers to know just what exactly is supported in terms of HTML5 in IE9 Platform Preview 3. Build plays nice with all Canvas element APIs and the majority of Canvas 2D Context APIs and attributes. Users will be able to enjoy HTML5 video via the MP4 H.264 codec. For the time being, there is no support for WebM, but this will change in the future, provided that users have a VP8 codec installed in Windows. As far as the audio element is concerned, support has been introduced for MP3 and AAC but also the window.msPerformance API (which is a work in progress).

Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) Platform Preview 3 Build is available for download here.

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Great News Today

Diposting oleh Penjelajah Dunia Maya | 03.37

Great News Today

How to Use GoogleCL in Linux

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 11:12 AM PDT

Google introduced at the end of last week a new tool called GoogleCL. The runs from the command-line (yes, the Linux terminal), and allows users to post, create, list or delete photos from an existing Picasa account, videos from a YouTube account, edit, list or upload documents from your Google Docs account, add, delete or list events from Google Calendar or post on your Blogger weblog. These are just a few of the numerous functionalities of the new GoogleCL tool (see below for a complete list).

Many of today’s computer users, the ones accustomed with graphical user interfaces, will not endorse the use of a command-line tool. Therefore, we’ve created this tutorial to show you a few real-life examples of how useful and simple this tool can be if you employ Google services on a daily basis. Please keep in mind that you must have an existing Google account (GMail e-mail address).

First of all, we will list all the available (at the moment of writing this) functions, for each service, provided by GoogleCL:

  • Picasa: download (get) photos, list photos, list albums, tag photos, post photos to existing album, create new album, delete photos and delete album;
  • YouTube: post video, list videos, tag video and delete video;
  • Calendar: add event to existing calendar, list events from existing calendar, list today’s events and delete event from existing calendar;
  • Contacts: list contacts, list contact groups, add contacts, add contact group(s), delete contact group(s) and delete contacts;
  • Blogger: post content, label content, list posts from existing blog and delete post;
  • Docs: edit document, delete document(s), list documents, upload document and download (get) document.

How to install

If you are on a Ubuntu platform, GoogleCL is very easy to install. Just download the .deb file from here, save it on your desktop, double click it and install it. That’s it! Now you can open a terminal, type google and hit Enter. At this moment, you have Google’s most useful services at your fingertips. Just remember that when you first use GoogleCL, for each service, you need to grant access to the application. This is a one time process!

Example One – Posting a new album with 38 photos in Picasa

Editor’s note: As we said above, you must have set up a Picasa account. No existing albums or photos are required. All we did was to set a name for the account.

Let’s say we want to quickly upload a new album with 38 photos. How much will this take if one uses the standard web interface? Answer: a few good minutes. Why? Because an album must be created first, and you can ONLY upload five photos at a time. Not to mention that you must browse for each photo you want to upload and be careful not to make doubles.

With GoogleCL, the whole process took a few seconds. All we had to do was type the following command and hit Enter after it:

google picasa create –title “Softpedia Linux Test Photos” /home/marius/Pictures/Wallpapers1/*

We’ve waited for the photos to be uploaded and here is the final result…

How to Use GoogleCL in Linux

Example Two – Replacing a video on YouTube

Editor’s note: Once again, we remind you that a YouTube account is required for this. A GMail account is all you need!

Lets say that we want to quickly delete an existing video and replace it with a new one. From the web interface, this will take some time, as we have to go to My Videos, search for the respective video and delete it. Then, we need to go through the entire video uploading process.

With GoogleCL, the whole process took about 3 seconds. All we had to do was type the following commands (one by one) and hit Enter after each:

google youtube delete –title “Softpedia_Test”
google youtube post –category Music /home/marius/Videos/Softpedia_Test.wmv

How to Use GoogleCL in Linux

Example Three – Post an already formatted article on your blog

Lets say that we’ve written this article and now we want to post it on our blog hosted by Blogger. From a web browser, you have to login into the blog, hit the New Post button and paste the article’s text. This does not take so much of our precious time, but with GoogleCL, from the command-line, it will take a second… by executing the following command:

google blogger post /home/marius/Documents/How to Use GoogleCL in Linux.txt

How to Use GoogleCL in Linux

Example Four – Quickly add events to your calendar!

Adding events to your Google Calendar has never been easier with GoogleCL. All you have to do is type the right command. For example:

google calendar add “Softpedia meeting today at 6pm”

adds an event for today at 6 pm


google calendar add “Softpedia meeting on 26 june at 8am”

will add an event for Saturday, June 26th at 8 am.

How to Use GoogleCL in Linux

Example Five – Easily manage your Google Docs documents

Lets say you have a lot of documents in your Google Docs account. With GoogleCL, it is very easy to list the documents. For example, if you execute the following command…

google docs list title,url-direct –delimiter “: “

…it will list the documents in the terminal window, with a download link in front of them. If you click the link, you’ll get the document as a PDF file!

How to Use GoogleCL in Linux

Still not convinced by the usefulness of GoogleCL? You can check out the examples provided by Google on the project’s page.

If you like this project, make sure to watch its evolution, as various other Google services will be supported in the near future!

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Great News Today

Diposting oleh Penjelajah Dunia Maya | 03.05

Great News Today

Google Releases Linux Tools for Its Services

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 12:13 AM PDT

This weekend, Google proudly announced GoogleCL, a set of new command-line tools for some of its popular services, such as Google Calendar, Google Docs, Blogger, YouTube and Picasa. GoogleCL will allow you to upload photos to Picasa and videos to YouTube, add Google Calendar events or contacts on Google Contacts, edit Google Docs documents or post on your Blogger blog… all straight from the Linux terminal. Well, you will say now… “Who needs this stuff? We are in mid 2010 and command-line is for geeks only.” You are right! But this is a very good opportunity for some developers to create a nice graphical user interface (GUI) for this command-line tool.

Ever wanted to upload a folder full of photos to Picasa from a command prompt? We did, a lot, last summer. It made us want to say: google picasa create –title “My album” ~/Photos/vacation/*.jpg So we wrote a program to do that, and a whole lot more. [...] GoogleCL is a pure Python application that uses the Python gdata libraries to make Google Data API calls from the command line. [...] GoogleCL brings cloud computing to your fingertips, literally!” – was stated in the official announcement.

Below are a few examples of each command-line tool in action:


google blogger post –title “foo” “command line posting”


google contacts list name,email > contacts.csv

Google Calendar

google calendar add “Lunch with Jim at noon tomorrow”

Google Docs

google docs edit –title “Shopping list”


google youtube post –category Education killer_robots.avi


google picasa create –title “Cat Photos” ~/photos/cats/*.jpg

Google Releases Linux Tools for Its Services

GoogleCL showing Picasa usage information

For more examples, please check the official home page.

You can download and play with the new GoogleCL command-line tool right now from Softpedia. It’s available and tested by the Softpedia Linux team on the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) operating system. GoogleCL will also be included in the Ubuntu/Debian software repositories, just in time for the next releases of these operating systems.

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Great News Today

Diposting oleh Penjelajah Dunia Maya | 03.14

Great News Today

Download Billing Warnet Gratis – Handycafe

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 06:43 PM PDT

Download Billing Warnet Gratis - HandycafeUse HandyCafe – Internet Cafe Software – FREE!
Ates Software released HandyCafe Internet Cafe Software for FREE all over the world. Why would you pay if you can use the best Internet Cafe Software for FREE? Sign-up now and start using HandyCafe Internet Cafe Software now in your Cybercafe. AND ALL FREE..!

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Google Apps highlights – 6/18/2010

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 01:29 PM PDT

Google Apps highlights  6/18/2010
Over the last couple of weeks we introduced several new features to Google Docs, and made updates to Gmail, Buzz and Blogger. The Google Apps Marketplace expanded, and we brought many new businesses and schools onboard. Heres the scoop:
New Google Docs editors rolling out to everyone
Just a couple months ago we started previewing Google Docs new editors for documents and spreadsheets, and on Monday we began turning on these faster, more feature-rich editors for everyone. In new documents, youll see character-by-character real-time collaboration, a ruler for custom margins and tab stops, and the files you import from your computer will be much higher quality. The new version of spreadsheets is faster, and includes a formula editing bar, cell auto-complete and much more. If your university, employer or organization provides you with a Google Docs account, youll start seeing the new editors by default in the coming weeks, too.

New sharing settings in Google Docs
Just yesterday we launched a streamlined way to share your files more easily in Google Docs. You can set a document, spreadsheet, presentation or drawing to be Private, available to Anyone with the link, or Public on the web, and then customize who has access by inviting specific collaborators. If youre using Google Docs at work or at school, youll also see options that make it easy to share your files just with other people within your organization. Learn more about the new sharing options on the Google Docs blog.

New features for drawings in Google Docs
We introduced several new features for the drawings editor in Google Docs, too. Now you can center objects on the page, resize your entire canvas, view thumbnails of your drawings in your doc list, search across your drawings by text contained within and quickly view a list of handy editing keyboard shortcuts. We also added the ability for you to share drawings in the Google Docs template gallery, so other people around the world can use your creations.

Blogger Template Designer available to all
Back in March we introduced Blogger Template Designer in Blogger in Draft, and last week we made it available to everyone. You can choose from more than 19 stock templates and further customize your design with hundreds of free, professional background images, custom color schemes and pixel-perfect layout manipulation. Customizing your blog and making it your own is now much easier.

Google Maps previews in Gmail and Buzz
Last week, we added a new Labs feature in Gmail that automatically displays a Google Map below messages that contain street addressessaving you the trouble of copying and pasting of addresses from Gmail to Google Maps. You can enable this feature and many others from the Labs tab under Gmail Settings. Google Buzz also integrates Google Maps now too; when your buzz includes a Google Maps link, youll automatically see an image of the map that you can choose to include in your post.

Apps Marketplace
For the businesses, schools and organizations using Google Apps, cloud-based functionality continues to expand through the Google Apps Marketplace. There, developers around the world can offer business- and process-enhancing apps that seamlessly integrate with Google Apps. The Marketplace has everything from accounting applications and CRM solutions to marketing automation and project workflow tools. Last week we added five new applications, and this Tuesday we tacked on over a dozen more.

Whos gone Google?
Were thrilled to welcome Brady Corporation, a globally distributed safety and security products company with more than 7,000 employees and 90 globally distributed business locations, to Google Apps. Cost savings were a factor in the decision, but Bradys IT team chose Google Apps to simplify their worldwide IT operations, to streamline the integration of future acquisitions and to offer employees advanced sharing features like real-time collaboration.

In addition to the big guys, tens of thousands more small and medium size businesses have also gone Google since our last update, including Hiatus Spa + Retreat, Goble & Associates and Mtodo DeRose Matosinhos. Welcome!

And schools out for summer, but many colleges and universities are using the quiet months to reinvigorate their student technology. Sonoma State University, Meharry Medical College, Tokyo Keizai University (translated), Santa Fe Community College, Great Basin College and Colby College are all going Google.

Whether your company or school has already gone Google or if youre just starting to contemplate the move, tune into our live webcast next Tuesday, June 22 at 9:00 am PDT to hear more about the improvements and new features weve added to Google Apps during the first half of 2010.

For more details and updates from the Apps team, head on over to the Google Apps Blog.

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